P-05-869 Declare a Climate Emergency and fit all policies with zero-carbon targets


Final Comments to Petitions Committee from Extinction Rebellion Cymru


Extinction Rebellion Cymru appreciate the opportunity to engage with our Government and elected ministers – noting the Welsh Assembly’s willingness to hear and respond to the 6,000+ signatories to our petition.


We listened to the full chamber debate on the 19th June with interest, appreciating the committee member’s contribution to clearly outlining the severity of the situation. Neil’s concern regarding housing and the potential use of the LDP as a strategic tool to plan where and how we build is an important issue.  We appreciated the summary made by Janet at the debate’s conclusion, bringing together the cross-party consensus for decisive action.  


We agree with Lesley Griffith’s comment, “Never has there been a better time than now to put forward your ideas” but felt the public options for engagement she suggested (consumer choices, ballot box or projects like Eco schools) does not include the considerable potential for collective engagement with the public. There has been a critical rise in awareness and engagement with climate issues recently and we feel Welsh citizens are ready and willing to participate in and scrutinize much more fully the actions our government takes over the next few years in response to declaring a Climate Emergency. Collectively we can engage on a much deeper level to co-create the radical solutions that this crisis demands and both support and scrutinize their implementation. 


Citizens Assemblies allow ideas that come from a wide range of experience, (selected by sortition – both representative and random) allowing the time for everyone to engage fully with relevant material and make balanced decisions.  Westminster has recently announced that they will be establishing a Citizens Assembly for 6 Select Committees in order to debate how to share the potential costs of a shift to a clean economy.


We call on the Welsh Government to establish Citizens Assemblies in Wales, ensuring they are independent of government and free to develop their own agenda. The time is now to build on the groundswell of concern and motivation to see clear actions that really cut carbon emissions in a manner that is equitable.


On the 4th July Extinction Rebellion Cymru are running a People’s Assembly in the Senedd Neuadd. A People’s Assembly is an informal, cut-down version of a Citizen’s Assembly, using the same participatory structures that allow voices to be heard equally, but briefer and with a group of interested people rather than a specific sample of the Welsh public.  On Thursday 4th, the group participating in the People’s Assembly are mainly Extinction Rebellion constituents from around Wales, who are inviting their Assembly Members to attend at 1pm to hear from us the conclusion of our debate, our ideas and demands. 


All Assembly members have been invited to attend at 1pm for 30 minutes and we particularly hope members of the Petitions committee were able to attend.